Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wednesday = Hills

Didn't have a great night running last night. Waleah wasn't feeling well so I set out on my own to conquer the Caribou Road hill. Walked/ran to the hill which is 2.5km from home and then started my hill repeats. The first one was ok, ran the full 600m up and then down the hill, but then it went down from there, ran 400m of the 2nd and 3rd repeats (walked/jogged down the hill)and called it quits after 300m of my last interval. I was disappointed that I didn't finish the full training run, physically I could have, mentally I just wasn't able to push through. I know today I could have finished as I do not feel like I worked out last night at all. I guess I need to start looking at the ongoing training as mental as well as physical preparation for the marathon because I'm sure that there will be a lot more mental "walls" that I will need to push through in the next couple months.

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