Friday, June 30, 2006

Giddy & Sick....

I'm still fighting this nasty summer cold, Waleah seems to have shaken it off (I think the giddiness has been a great immune system booster :) ). Tuesday night we did our training run after my ball game and it went pretty well with the exception of the bugs and our GPS's not being able to pick up a consistent signal. Wednesday & last night's run just did not happen due to not feeling well and packing for our trip this weekend. So that means I have done 1!!! hill training session, not a great thing but I will have to will myself through it. I do have a ball tournament in Armstrong this weekend and my goal will to NOT injure myself so we can do our 29k on Monday morning and then hopefully get back on track with training.

Thank you all for the kind words about our engagement, it's a very exciting time and 2006 is shaping up to be a eventful year for the 2 of us. We're still trying to figure out what kind of wedding we want, and serious planning will have to wait until after the marathon.

Have a Happy,safe and FUN Canada Day (or 4th of July to Janis) weekend.

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