Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday = Long run day.

Well, we did it, we finished our 19k this morning. I was a little worried starting off this morning, we had some friends over last night to watch the UFC PPV and between having a couple beer and not a lot of sleep last night, the first couple km were tough. Last week was tough mentally, I ran it with the mentality that it was 16km, today's I just looked at it as 2 laps around the lake, which I managed to convince myself wasn't too bad. As I started to feel more comfortable with the run I was able to pick up my pace closer to a 7:00 minute/kilomoter. As I reached my turn around point I was just behind another guy who had just started running. After a few minutes being behind him it was pretty obvious we were running the same pace. I took a scheduled walk break and let him run off, once I started running again I eventually caught up with him again (since he took a walk break also). Once I was running next to him we chatted a bit and decided to run together for a while, this kind of screwed my intervals up and I ended up running a 21 minute interval but the company made it a lot easier than being by myself. Once we got into a 10/1 groove again I realized how much easier it is to run with someone, I ended up being able to keep a quicker pace than I normally would. We even caught up to Waleah and she managed to run an interval with us (which was very nice being able to run with her) Big confidence booster for me being able to run todays 19km at a strong consistent pace. So Hi and Thanks to Duncan and Good Luck in the Scotia Half Marathon in June and hopefully we'll see you again to run with.

This week we start hills (YAY! but ask how I feel wednesday night), we'll take tuesday off for our gaming night (Yay!) and try to manage the rest of the workouts in. Though I don't have hope for Saturdays run (haven't done a saturday run yet...bad us...)

You'll also see the Thermometer has changed. We hit our $12,000 target!!!!!!!!! So now we've set our goal to raise $15,000 for the Canadian Diabetes Association. If you haven't donated yet, why not? Easy to do and you all know it's an important cause to me and our families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a couple of BEERS darn it!!!!! Just kidding. Glad things are going well. I love checking in to see how you guys are doing! Janis