Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Feels Good....

**** for intructions on how to donate online read to the bottom****

to be back to training and back to healthy selves. Mike is feeling much better. He's now over the nasty Stomach Flu he had late last week. Wow, did that ever take its toll. I managed to fight it off with some gravol and a really good nights sleep...which I desperately needed after 10 hours in Emergency after a sleepless night, and of course lots of rest over the course of the weekend.

We've successfully completed 2 days in a row of training after missing a week. Last night we went to Burnaby Lake after a full evening of errands and chores. We both managed to get in our 6km workouts and a little bit extra. I really enjoy walking to and from the Lake together. Once we get there, Mike starts to run so we are on our own for a good portion of our workouts. My IPOD keeps me company and my GPS keeps on track for walking a good pace. Tonight we stopped on the way home from work along Kent Avenue at the foot of Victoria and worked out along the seawall there. It was great. Mike managed to get in his 10km run, and I walked just over 9.5 km. I met a really nice couple who I chatted with for the first half of my workout. Managed to even give them one of our donation forms at the end of their walk. :). Bill & Nancy--it was great chatting with you and who knows....we may bump into you again.

Tomorrow night it's a few errands on the way home from work in preparation for our fundraiser next week and then our 3rd training workout this week. A medium length one, 8km.

A note for anyone wishing to donate on line....please see the link we have set up on the far right hand side--Under LINKS -- Click on Support Us, fill out the form on CDA's website and when it prompts you to pledge a participant you can either type in Waleah Cook or Michael Blais and the city we live in is Burnaby. Make sure when clicking on a race it's Iceland 2006. By looking us up that way, it will allow us to receive credit for your donation towards our fundraising goal. We are getting closer, but we still need lots of help. Thank you to all who have supported us so far, and thank you for continuing to encourage us and cheer us on.

Till next time......Stay active, stay fit and keep healthy.

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