Wednesday, March 15, 2006

$how u$ the Money!$!

Fundraising: Yesterday I sent out a mass email to my friends and colleagues at the Firm I work for. I hit up everyone I work with in my office, people I know in other offices as well as contacts in our head office. I also asked those people to pass on the request to their friends and family. Yesterday alone, our request went out to over 124 people in one hour. I got at least 5 favourable responses back right away of people telling me they would definitely donate; as of today I have physically received 4 monetary donations. (3 did theirs on-line) and one gave me a cheque in the office. That's $335 towards our goal in just a few hours. Lots more to go, but I'm hopeful that most of the people who received yesterday's message will be sending me their donations over the next few weeks.

I would like to send out a very special thank you to Richard Rand (buddy and colleague from our Richmond office). Today he very generously donated $250!! He also promised to forward on my email to others. I also received a donation of $15 today from one of my head office contacts. Just goes to show you that it really doesn't matter how much you donate as long as you donate. Every dollar helps and I'm thrilled with every donation we receive.

Mike and I continue on our quest to send out our message and request to everyone one we know. We continue to ask people to keep forwarding our message on to their friends and family and anyone else they can think of. We even had a cheque arrive in the mail for $50 from a client of a client that Mike deals with. This is exactly the kind of thing we are hoping for.

Thank you again everyone for your support and encouragement so far.

Keep checking back. We'll keep you updated on our running progress, our dollars raised....(I even figured out how to update the thermometer on my own today!!)...and important details about our fundraisers.

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