Sunday, May 13, 2007


Last Sunday Waleah did the Vancouver Marathon (see her post below) and my parents and I were waiting at the finish line for our friend Kari to cheer her across the line. At the same time as this the full marathoners were also starting to finish. These were the people who are natural runners who are running a full marathon in less than 3.5 hours which is pretty amazing. We came back a couple of hours later to wait for Waleah and had a chance to watch the "regular" people finish, though many of these people were far from regular. Anybody who can commit to the training and completion of the marathon has my respect but some people just wowed me.

A 75 year old man was completing his 403rd marathon (this sentence is NOT a typo).

Tsutomu Shimabukuro, a japanese man with 2 prosthetic legs finished in 8:03:49

A man with a white shirt with BRAIN TUMOUR SURVIVOR written across the front

A 15! year old kid (who also did it last year)

and many more.
Watching these people do something that challenges even the most fit person in truly inspiring. I would recommend if you want to see amazing people do an amazing thing, show up at a marathon finish line at the 4:30 hour mark, listen to the announcer and cheer these people on, because they deserve it.

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