Thursday, February 23, 2006

Let the Fun and Hard Work begin....

Well, tomorrow my cast comes off and I'll be able to start sending out my emails/letters to all I know to start asking for your support and help in Mike & I reaching our goals. Already we have started to raise funds towards our goals and everyone who we have spoken to so far, have been very supportive. We really appreciate that. We started to do the walk to run program to get slowly going and that was going well till we went on vacation. Where we skipped the walk/runs due to heat and vacation....however, we are confident that we probably walked 42km on vacation if not close to it! (we did the Living Desert in Palm Desert, and Disneyland and California Adventure Park for the last part of our vacation). I think my legs have just recovered from all the walking. What a great trip though. I think Sunday we will be back on schedule for our training sessions. Looking forward to it. Keep checking back as we keep you posted on how our training is going; more info about the gaming weekend and how we are making out reaching our financial goals for the CDA. We are both getting close to the first fincial goal set out for us for Mid March, but still have a long way to go. We'll keep building up to running slowly and steadily over the next month and a half and then Mid April the really hard physical work will start as our distances get longer in preparation for Augst's big event. Stay tuned......


Taylor said...


Much luck with your fundraising goals! Hard work but an interesting experience all around I think. I'm signed up for Team D Iceland 2006 too. The curling event sounds like a good event, I'll check back and see how it goes.

All the Best,


FreddyBeachPete said...

Happy I found your blog. Congratulations on your decision to join Team D and good luck in your fundraising. I am an alumnus from Team D Dublin 2002 and am signed up now for Team D NYC marathon in November. My blog is:

Michael Blais said...

Thanks Guys! Be sure to check back and see how we're progressing and we'll do the same for you.